We are definitely 2 now...Brady will no longer allow me to take pictures of him! The covering his face and turning away from the camera has started already. However, we were able to get a few little snaps over the course of our Easter Weekend at Lost Pines outside of Austin. We went with another family and had the most fantastic time! I would highly recommend this place.
http://www.lostpines.hyatt.com/hyatt/hotels/index.jspWe arrived there Saturday at about lunch time and headed straight out to the pool.

Then that night there was s'mores roasting and a movie out on the lawn (complete with popcorn maker). Brandon had already established his horse/transport abilities in the pool that afternoon, and the boys didn't forget.

Here we go, back up to our room at the end of a wonderful, fun day.

The Easter Bunny was able to find us all the way in Austin!

Brady put on his gardening boots right away (and didn't take them off the whole day!)