Saturday, September 18, 2010

ISR Week 4 - We're getting close!

These last 4 weeks of swimming have flown by!  Brady is getting really close to the swimming-fully-clothed test, which is kind of like the final check.  Finn made some HUGE strides this week!  He went from crying and looking for me at all times to smiling, splashing, and waving, and in general doing the 'watch me, watch me' thing.  At one point, he was holding onto the bar and he launched himself forward and swam toward Amy without her prompting!

In other news, Finn has started imitating in the last 2 days.  He'll give you a kiss or stick his tongue out at you and laugh.  Tonight I signed 'milk' to him and he did it back.  Too cute!

Monday, September 13, 2010

ISR Week 3 and a Big Birthday!

ISR continues to amaze me, with both boys making excellent progress again this week!  Finn went back to crying a bit more than he had been, but I'm sure it's a little nerve-wracking to be learning all this new stuff.  Even so, he is swimming farther and farther distances.  Brady is just off to the races.  He looks so comfortable, as if he's been swimming forever!  We are so proud of these two!

The other big news is that it was Finn's 1st birthday on Sunday!  Yay Finn!  I would bet every parent says this, but this year has gone by SO fast!  Finn has a very laid-back, happy personality, and we feel so fortunate that he's part of our family.  Nothing makes Brady happier than getting a laugh out of Finn.  For his birthday, we had a nice day together, including a trip to the splash park for some time in the fountains (**why is it that this activity doesn't seem NEARLY as fun when your mom is prepared with swim trunks/towel as it is when it's a random day and you go in fully clothed and not prepared?**)   Later, we had our neighbors over for dinner/presents/cake.  At first, Finn didn't seem to care what the fuss was about, but by the end of the presents, he was getting into it a little more.  After present, he really enjoyed his cake!  At first, he wasn't sure how he should go about getting it into his mouth.  He tried leaning over and putting his mouth down on it, but that didn't quite yield the results he was looking for.  Eventually, he just picked up half of it and proceeded to feed himself bites.  I made him a special birthday bib, but he didn't actually get very dirty.  It was a lovely celebration with good friends!
loving the fountains
with the girls
opening presents
singing happy birthday
the cake
full birthday gear

Monday, September 6, 2010

ISR Week 2 and Labor Day at the Beach!

Despite being rained out one day, the boys both made more excellent progress at their swimming survival lessons this week.  I tape the whole lesson (10 mins each), but will just post short clips here as I'm sure this is about 10% as exciting for the general audience as it is for Brandon and me.

This is Finn swimming to the bar and pulling himself up.  I don't believe she's holding him anymore than just maybe the tag of his shorts.
Here Brady is working on the swim/float/swim technique.
For Labor Day, we rented a beach house in Galveston with our neighbors, The Webbs.  It was so much fun and very relaxing!  This video shows sandcastle building, but what I wish I had been taping was Brady boogie-boarding the next day!  The waves were a bit bigger than normal because of all the wind, and I was just amazed to watch him jumping into them with enthusiasm, even when they crashed over the top of his head!  I guess you just have to enjoy some moments as the mom rather than the videographer.

The beach was a big hit both days, but it took it out of us!  Finn took very long naps both days, and had good sleeps at night.  After dinner, the rest of us played games and watched movies.  It was a great getaway with great friends!

I guess now would be as good a time as any to post our First Day of School pics.  Brady's doing great in his new Kindergarten room (he's still pre-k age, just sitting in the Kinder room) and Finn continues to do great at Dixie's.

In front of the school on the first day

Here they are in Dixie's front yard - I don't think Finn likes this pose!