Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Finn's Finale

It's official!  Both of the boys are finished with ISR!  Finn's final 'test' was last Tuesday, and he did absolutely fantastic (or Finntastic as it were).  For the first time ever, I was nervous watching him, but there was no need because he knew exactly what to do, which I guess is why he passed!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Brady Graduates!

I'm a little behind...Two Fridays ago, Brady had his final, full-clothes-on ISR test.  He had to wear a hoodie, jeans, and tennis shoes.  I expected him to panic a little bit when he jumped in (I know I would), but he stayed cool as a cucumber, waiting patiently for his arms and legs to come to the surface (which is hard!!)

Finn is also doing great!  He has two days left until he's finished.  He'll need to do some refresher lessons in the spring, but he's able to swim about 5-10 feet on his own, and when he realizes that he doesn't have anything to grab, he knows to roll over onto his back and float.  Amazing!!!

We also have had several exciting firsts around here!  Brady's reward for doing such excellent work at swimming was his first pet, a fish!  Brady chose a turqoise beta and named him 'Swimmy'.  So far we've kept him alive for 2 days, so I'm hoping we can keep it up.  Brady picked out all the stuff for the aquarium, and it looks great - he has great taste!  Also, Friday morning Brady and I were talking about how fun the swimming finale party was going to be that evening.  He asked me if he was going to get a swimming trophy.  Not wanting him to be disappointed, I told him that I didn't think he was going to get a trophy for swimming, but soon he would get one for something else.  Little did I know, he really would be receiving a trophy that night - his first!  Here's the fish and the trophy!
Finn also had a first this weekend...his first wagonride!  He LOVED it!  It was a PERFECT day, and I can't think of a better way to spend it than going for a wagonride.