On the way there, the flight attendant came over to us right after take off to see what we had selected from the dinner menu. Brady didn't miss a beat, he immediately exclaimed, 'I want fish!' After awhile, the same lady came by with the appetizer cart...she asked him if he would like an appetizer, to which he threw his arms in the air and yelled out, 'I LOVE appetizers!!!' By the time we landed in Amsterdam, he had made several friends sitting around us.
We had many lovely adventures while we were there, probably the most memorable for him was the 4 hour train ride through the Alps to go see his friend Lucas in Switzerland. The boys were joyfully re-united, and Brandon and I had a fun time seeing our old friends as well. We're sad they live so far away, but Geneva is a beautiful place to visit for sure!
Then in early November, we travelled to the ranch. What made it extra fun this year was that my sister, Ivy, and her family met us there. Her daughter is only 10 months older than Brady, and they had an absolute blast between making snow people, riding 4 wheelers, and working in the tractor with Papa. We all had a wonderful time and were sad when it was time to get back to reality.
The picture I've posted above is Brady's first school pic. I can't believe he already has one of these! We called them Pony Pictures when I was growing up. He's really doing great at his school, and seems to really love it. In fact, when we went around the table on Thanksgiving to say what we were thankful for, he thought about it for a minute, and then a slow smile spread over his face as he told us that he is thankful for Ms. Jessica. His teacher!!! Right when she started there, he told me one afternoon in the car that he thought Ms. Jessica was 'pretty and shiny'. His first crush!
He's full of funny sayings lately. The other day, we were getting ready to leave, but couldn't find his shoes. I finally found them upstairs and called out, 'I found them!' As I came down the stairs with the shoes, Brady said, 'Mommy, you are Super Duper!'
Yesterday, we were driving to the store and he told Brandon and I that it is now 'Christmas On Time'. (ChristmasTime)
The biggest news of all is that yesterday he proudly announced that he only wanted to wear undies...no more pull-ups. I knew this day would come, and I was very thankful it came over a long weekend, so we talked through what wearing undies today would mean before bed lastnight. He was very excited this morning to get rid of that pull-up and get to the undies. Unfortunately, the dots weren't quite connected between wearing undies and having to go to the potty when you have to go... He's never been a kid that goes through tons of diapers, so even though we had 3-4 accidents today, I really think it could have been much worse. He did go #2 on the potty, so I think that's a good thing! He'll get it!
Well, that's what's new here! Hope all is well!