Thursday, May 22, 2008

Holy Haircut Batman!!

Yesterday, Brady and I took the morning off to go get his haircut. We went back to Cartoon Cuts, which is the same place I took him last time. Unfortunately, this time we got the woman who is rumored to have recently butchered Brady's friend Lucas' hair. Before I knew it, the buzzer and the texturizing shears were zipping around, and there was a mound of beautiful sandy-colored hair on the floor. Un like me, Brady was a champ, he didn't move or make a peep through the whole thing.

I knew I had to keep my composure in front of him, but everytime I looked at Brady later in the day, I just wanted to could I have let this happen!? Luckily, by this morning his new look had grown on me a bit, so I took a few pictures of him while he helped me in my office.

My aunt Marilyn used to always refer to getting a haircut as getting your ears lowered...I think Brady's ears might fall off if they got any lower!

Oh well...this is just preparation for when he's older and does something to radically change his appearance...he's still the same sweet kid even though he looks different!

1 comment:

West Potomac Rugby said...

Aww, he looks like such a big kid now!

-Uncle Ken