Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy 'Go Texan' Day!

Today is the rodeo kick-off in Houston, otherwise known as 'Go Texan' day. What that means is that trailriders will ride into town on horseback from far and wide, there's a parade, and a GIANT barbecue that thousands of people attend. The rodeo goes on for several weeks and has a major musical act as well as all the typical rodeo stuff each night. Proceeds raised all go to college scholarships for kids. The rodeo is one of my favorite things about Houston, and I hope to be involved with it on a committee someday when my family isn't so young.

Since today was 'Go Texan' day, the kids at Brady's school got to wear cowboy outfits instead of their uniforms today. Here's my little cowboy before school. On the way to school, we stopped at 'Wal-Market' (as he called it today) and got him a black cowboy hat. He looked absolutely adorable in his full gear and promised I could take more pictures of him with the hat once we got home from school. Unfortunately, the hat did not last through the day. When we picked him up, the hat was nowhere to be found. His teacher explained that it had gotten 'crumpled'. Oh well...

Goofy smile...

1 comment:

Sydni said...

I almost cannot even believe how CUTE he is!!! Enjoy the rodeo days. Sounds like tons of fun.