Saturday, August 28, 2010

Walking and Swimming?

Here's a front view of Finn walking in his jammies this morning.  It's so funny how there are big bursts of growth.  Last week, after taking that video of just a couple steps, the very next day, Finn walked from the living room into our kitchen.  He's off to the races now!

This week was also our first week of ISR (Infant Swim Resource) for both boys.  ISR is a wonderful (not to mention intense) program that teaches kids a swim/float/swim sequence that they can rely on in water.  The theory is that if they can see underwater and find a target, they can get themselves there as long as they know to float for a short time to catch their breath.  The main focus is drowning prevention, but the water confidence gained is also huge.  Both boys are doing great!

What you're seeing in this first video is Brady floating, and then turning himself over to swim to a target (in this case the teacher or the steps).  I apologize that he's off camera for a little trusty assistant moved my camera for me prior to the lesson.

This one is Finn.  He has learned this week to be able to roll himself over into a float.  Though he gets mad while he's in the water, he's no worse for wear once he gets out.  It is absolutely thrilling to see our child gaining this valuable life skill!

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